Putting the Left in Checkmate: The Left’s Support for the Ukraine War Forces Them to Embrace Gun Rights

The following content is sponsored by The Four Boxes Diner™.

The American left is happy — even eager — to keep sending over guns to a country that never valued the right to keep and bear arms . . . until it was too late.

You must have noticed that the same left-wingers rallying to keep arming Ukraine want to disarm Americans. It’s chilling how ruthlessly the left works to deny you your constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

But Mark W. Smith — a prominent constitutional attorney — reveals how to use their hypocrisy on Ukraine as the ultimate checkmate against their radical anti-gun agenda.

From the beginning, Smith’s popular Second Amendment YouTube channel The Four Boxes Diner™ has warned Americans that the Ukraine war exposes the dangers of disarming citizens.

In fact, more than a million people have already watched his video showing why Ukraine — literally hours before Russia invaded — abandoned its strict gun-control laws and what that means for you and me.

Subscribe now to The Four Boxes Diner™ to learn more.

Ukraine’s president handed out 25,000 fully automatic weapons to civilians. Tens of thousands of other Ukrainians rushed out to buy AR-15 and AK rifles — you know, the guns that Joe Biden and the left insist “no one needs.”

This is where the left’s hypocrisy begins. “What did the left do when Ukraine handed out fully automatic weapons to ordinary civilians?” Smith asks. “They cheered!”

Smith, a New York Times bestselling author, exposes this hypocrisy in his brand new book, Disarmed: What the Ukraine War Teaches Americans About the Right to Bear Arms.

“Let’s get this straight,” he says. “The left wants the U.S. government to ban semiautomatic weapons, which are ordinary civilian firearms that they demonize as ‘weapons of war.’ But they celebrate when another government gives its citizens thousands of automatic weapons, which — unlike semiautomatics — are actual military weapons!”

Then there’s Joe Biden sending billions upon billions of dollars’ worth of weapons to Ukraine. The U.S. aid to Ukraine has included more than 35,000 guns and 200 million rounds of ammunition.

So why does Ukraine keep begging the world for weapons? You probably haven’t heard the real reasons. But at The Four Boxes Diner™, Smith opens your eyes. (Click here to subscribe.)

Ukraine has never had a “Second Amendment” constitutional right.

After Volodymyr Zelenskyy became president in 2020, he opposed liberalization of the gun laws. Only NOW is he pleading for weapons.

So, here you have a country, Ukraine, that didn’t value the right to armed self-defense enough to add it to their constitution. That made it illegal for its people to carry guns. That willingly destroyed its supply of guns.

And Joe Biden and the left are proudly giving these people all the guns they want no matter the cost to you and every other American taxpayer!

But look at what Biden and the left are doing here in America. “Biden might be the most anti-gun president in U.S. history,” Smith says. “As a senator in 1994, he pushed through the Federal ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban. And last year, he signed the most restrictive gun law since then.”

Anti-gun zealots in our country insist that the Second Amendment right to bear arms is a “relic.” Yeah? Try telling that to the people of Ukraine.

Now, the left is quick to say that you can’t draw comparisons between what’s happening in Ukraine and in America. But Smith busts that myth at The Four Boxes Diner™ Second Amendment channel.

Click below to subscribe to The Four Boxes Diner™ to learn everything you need to know about the Second Amendment and your rights under it.

If you care at all about the right to armed self-defense, you need to understand the urgent lessons coming out of Ukraine.

The American left is happy and eager to send guns to a country that never valued the right to keep and bear arms . . . until it was too late. But even as you read this, the left is working overtime to disarm Americans and take away your sacred right to bear arms.

If you care about defending your right to bear arms, subscribe to The Four Boxes Diner™ Second Amendment channel on YouTube, and join those Americans who have watched (and learned from) Mark W. Smith’s videos (viewed more than 15 million times).


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